Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions
This Privacy Policy applies to all of the services provided by Australian Languages Academy (ALA / auslangs) (ABN 92 172 130 249) to the clients/users at the website. It governs the method through which auslangs collects, uses, maintains, and divulges the collected information from its clients/users of the website.
We may gather users’ personal identification in different ways, which include but are not limited to placing an order for translation of their documents, completing forms, visiting the website of auslangs, registering on the website, and requesting other services such as participating in our different language teaching preparation courses.
auslangs is committed to providing quality services to you and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your Personal Information.
We have adopted the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The NPPs govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.
A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner at
What is Personal Information and why do we collect it?
Personal Information is information or an opinion that identifies an individual. Examples of Personal Information we collect include names, addresses, email addresses, phone and facsimile numbers, server addresses, site visit information (pages visited and downloaded content), domain names.
Cookies to make your use of our web site as convenient as possible. If you do not wish to receive any cookies, you may set your browser to refuse cookies.
This Personal Information is obtained in many ways including [interviews, correspondence, by telephone and facsimile, by email, via our website, from your website, from media and publications, from other publicly available sources, from cookies, and from third parties. We do not guarantee website links or policy of authorised third parties.
We collect your Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, providing information to our clients and marketing. We may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. You may unsubscribe from our mailing/marketing lists at any time by informing us through sending emails.
When we collect Personal Information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.
اطلاعات مربوط به حریم خصوصی
با تکمیل و ارسال فرمها و مدارکتان، شما با جمع آوری از اطلاعات شخصی مندرج در فرمها و هر گونه اسناد و مدارک تان توسط ‘the Institute’/auslangs، رضایت می دهید. /auslangs‘the Institute’ ممکن است از این اطلاعات در هنگام رسیدگی به درخواست ترجمه مدارک شما و هرگونه درخواست ترجمه بعدی مدارک شما در امر ترجمه مدارکتان استفاده کند.
هنگام جمع آوری و استفاده هر یک از اطلاعات شخصی شما بمنظور ترجمه مدارکتان،’the Institute’/auslangs ملزم به رعایت قانون حفظ حریم خصوصی و اطلاعات شخصی ۱۹۹۸ و قانون حفظ حریم خصوصی اطلاعات ۲۰۰۲ میباشد. شما این حق را دارید که به اطلاعات شخصی خود که در اختیار /auslangs‘the Institute’ است، دسترسی داشته باشید، کپی آن اطلاعات در اختیار شما قرار گیرد، و هرگونه نادرستی در آن اطلاعات را اصلاح کنید.
Information about privacy
By completing and submitting the forms and your documents, you are consenting to the collection by auslangs (the Institute) of any personal information contained in the form and in any of your documents. auslangs (the Institute) may use this information during dealing with your application in order for the translation of your documents, and any subsequent applications for the translation of your documents you may make.
auslangs/’the Institute’ is required to comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and Information Privacy Act 2002 and Act 2009 when collecting and using any of your personal information in order for translation. You have the right to access your personal information held by auslangs (the Institute), to be provided copies of that information, and to correct any inaccuracies in that information.
Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: 20 February 2022
“the Institute”: auslangs (ABN 92 172 130 249).
“the Client / the Customer”: the individual, institution, or organization commissioning the Institute’s services.
“Service(s) / Translation / Teaching/ Training / Education”: the preparation of a translation or any other translation-related task such as editing, proofreading, checking, revising, teaching, training, education, test preparation courses, or any kind of service as shown on the website of auslangs.
“Source Material”: the scan(s), photo(s), soft copy of the documents, audio file(s), video file(s) or any other form submitted or delivered for the purpose of translation by the Client / the Customer to the Institute.
“Target Language”: the language into which the Source Material will be translated.
“Order”: a confirmed request from the Client / the Customer to the Institute to translate the Source Material into the Target Language.
“Business Days”: any day excluding Saturday, Sunday, a public holiday in Victoria and/or a Commonwealth public holiday.
“Quality Guarantee”: our guarantee to produce translations that are fit for purpose and free from errors (on eligible packages only).
Terms concerning translation
1. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement of the parties and supersede all prior agreements, understandings and negotiations on the subject matter of ‘the Institute’.
2. It is the responsibility of the Client / the Customer to provide ‘the Institute’ with the context of written material(s) as well as the intended style, tone, and expectations in which they would like the translation to be conveyed. Failure of The Client / the Customer to provide ‘the Institute’ with this information may result in additional fees being applied for stylistic changes requested by the Client / the Customer.
3. Any amendments to the Source Material(s) after an Order has been received that requires additional work to be undertaken for translation may result in additional fees being charged, at the absolute discretion of ‘the Institute’ after written notice to the Client / the Customer.
4. ‘The Institute’ will begin work upon receipt of full payments or an initial deposit from the Client / the Customer, at the full discretion of ‘the Institute’.
5. The final translation of the Source Material(s) into the Target Language/s will then be sent for approval in Word and or PDF format, as required.
6. Any amendments to the translation after final approval will result in an extra fee to be determined by ‘the Institute’ at its absolute discretion.
7. Project timelines provided are an estimation and should only be used as a guide. Number of days include business days only, and exclude weekends and all Public Holidays. The total time is estimated with a “reasonable” time allowance for the Client’s / the Customer’s response. The total time is, therefore, affected by the response time of the Client / the Customer. The Client / the Customer is entitled to one round of feedback on the translations before they are finalised.
8. It is the responsibility of the Client / the Customer to respond within two business days to any request for clarification or confirmation, or any inquiry sent by ‘the Institute’. ‘The Institute’ will not be held liable for any delay resulting from delay or lack of response from the Client / the Customer.
9. Any additional work, outside of our proposed project scope will be quoted and charged separately. The final payment amount may change if additional components/items have been requested for this project (e.g. additional typesetting service).
10. All cancellations must be provided in writing and is subject to the following cancellation fees:
- If cancellation occurs before translation has commenced, the Institute has at its absolute discretion, the right to charge an administration fee equal to 50% of the total fee payable.
- If cancellation occurs after translation commences, 100% of the total fee is payable.
11. ‘The Institute’ will do their best to deliver a high-quality translation. Should the Client / the Customer not be satisfied with the work product, then the Client / the Customer is to advise ‘the Institute’ immediately so that the defects can be rectified by means of amendments. Such change requests and quality concerns do not entitle the Client / the Customer to a cancellation or a discount.
12. When choosing either our Professional or Premium translation packages, our Quality Guarantee applies.
If you are not satisfied that the translation(s) you receive are “fit for purpose” and/or “free from errors”, we will make any necessary amendments, free of charge, so long as the requested changes are aligned with the AUSIT Code of Ethics, in particular, that the principle of “Accuracy” is upheld.
After we have had the opportunity to address your concerns of the translations we deliver not being “fit for purpose” and/or “free from errors”, if you still feel that the translations do not meet your expectations, we will, at our absolute discretion, engage an independent NAATI Certified translator to review the updated translations, at no expense to you.
Terms and Conditions of our Quality Guarantee:
- This offer is only valid for projects, which are part of Professional or Premium translation packages, where revision by a second NAATI Certified Translator is included.
- “Fit for purpose” refers to the translations being culturally appropriate for the target audience which is advised by the client. Our translators will work to deliver translations which are fit for purpose according to the client’s brief, taking into account the age, literacy levels, cultural background and other demographic indicators of the target audience, with terminology used being similar in register to the original source text.
- “Free from errors” refers to the absence of any translations that are distortions of meaning or are unidiomatic. If a client or their own independent reviewer, who is a native speaker of the target text, gives feedback about personal preference or style, this is not seen as an error, and this offer does not include these types of amendments.
13. This Agreement will be governed by the law of the State of Victoria.
14. The Client indemnifies ‘the Institute’ against any direct or indirect losses including consequential loss, costs or expenses arising out of or relating to any claims, demands or actions which may be brought against ‘the Institute’ or incurred by ‘the Institute’ as a direct or indirect result of the services provided by ‘the Institute’, to the extent that the losses are caused by the negligence of, or breach of this contract by the Client.
15. Notices and other communications are deemed to have been served to either party if:
- in legible writing in English;
- signed by the sender or a person authorised by the sender; and
- they are hand delivered, transmitted by facsimile, sent by registered post and e-mailed to the respective representatives of either party. Any notice given under this clause is deemed to have been received unless the sender should have been reasonably aware that the delivery failed.
16. This Agreement may only be varied by written amendment signed by both parties.
17. Resolution of Disputes:
- A party must not start court proceedings (except proceedings seeking interlocutory relief) in respect of a dispute arising out of this Agreement (Dispute) unless it has complied with this clause;
- A party claiming that a Dispute has arisen must notify the other party to the Dispute giving details of the Dispute; and
- During the 14-day-period after a notice is given under this clause (or longer period agreed in writing by the parties to the Dispute), each party must use its bona fide efforts to resolve the Dispute through the involvement of (where applicable) the respective managing directors or their nominee.
- ‘The Institute’ will guarantee that the materials, which you will use for the production, will be free of any copyright. Or you will use such materials only after receiving our written consent.
18. Description of Services: Description of services include translation, independent checking of translation, editing, proofreading, typesetting, and production of final translation files.
19. Intellectual property: The materials created for this project remain the property of ‘the Institute’ until full payment is received, after which time all property will be transferred and remain the property of the Client. ‘The Institute’ agrees and acknowledges that the intellectual property of the Source Material remains the sole and exclusive property of the Client and no right, title or interest in the same transfers to the Institute.
Sensitive Information
Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.
Sensitive information will be used by us only:
- For the primary purpose for which it was obtained
- For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose
- With your consent; or where required or authorised by law.
Third Parties
Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you. However, in some circumstances we may be provided with information by third parties. In such a case, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.
Terms and conditions concerning training / educational services and language proficiency test preparations including but not limited to IELTS, OET, PTE, and TOEFL preparation Courses
- ‘The Institute’ agrees to provide and ‘the Client’ agrees to undertake and pay for the preparation courses and facilities supplied under this agreement. The terms and conditions of this agreement apply to all standard or customised courses undertaken at the premises of ‘the Institute’ or through our online streaming.
- auslangs’s preparation courses are a blend of both classroom teaching and in-person, and online class teaching. Some of the modules may be tailored to meet the individual needs of ‘the Client’. ‘The Client’ registering for ‘the Institute’s services must agree to the following:
- ‘The Client’ must comply with instructions and directions given by ‘the Institute’s staff and any applicable policies and procedures,
- ‘the Institute’ reserves the right to place a client into the most appropriate class after assessing ‘the Client’s language proficiency level.
- ‘The Client’ must be regular in attending the classes to achieve the language preparation goals. ‘the Institute’ has a system of marking attendance.
- ‘The Client’ agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and suggestions, and to fully engage and devote themselves to the language proficiency preparation process.
- ‘The Client’ is solely responsible for implementing the techniques discovered through instructing.
- ‘The Client’ is responsible for their behaviour within the premises of ‘the Institute’. In case of any act of misbehaviour or display of aggression, the Client’ can be asked to leave the premises immediately or the term of tutoring can be terminated.
- Mobile phone usage in the classroom is prohibited.
- ‘The Client’ will book the required language test after discussing it with the teacher.
- Regular class attendance guarantees the desired results. If ‘the Client’ is unable to attend the classes regularly or arrives late for the classes, ‘the Institute’ cannot be held responsible for them not achieving their desired scores.
- At the time of the enrolment, ‘the Client’ is required to pay the full course fee. In the case of the instalment arrangement, ‘the Client’ will abide by the agreed terms and Direct Debit facility would be solicited.
- Privacy Statement: ‘The Client’ gives consent for advertising the scorecards, results, photos or videos on the social media platforms. The credentials of ‘the Client’ would be blurred and not displayed as per the consent.
- Refund Policy is as follows:
In case of a short-term course (fortnightly), ‘the Client’ will not receive a refund beyond three days of enrolment date. ‘The Client’ will only be entitled to a refund of the 50 percent of the total fee if a refund is requested within three days of enrolment (irrespective of class attendance).
In case of a monthly course, ‘the Client’ will not receive a refund beyond one week of enrolment date. ‘The Client’ will only be entitled to a refund of the 50 percent of the total fee if a refund is requested within one week of enrolment (irrespective of class attendance).
In case of a long term course (Unlimited six months/one year), ‘the Client’ will not receive a refund beyond two weeks of enrolment date. ‘The Client’ will only be entitled to a refund of the 50 percent of the total fee if a refund is requested within two weeks of enrolment (irrespective of class attendance).
If ‘the Client’ is not able to attend the classes due to personal reasons, ‘the Institute’ is not obliged to return the fees or exchange the fees for a friend or acquaintance after a fortnight of enrolment date (valid for a long term course).
- ‘The Client’ agrees that all lessons and any related material supplied by ‘the Institute’ are secured by copyright, remain the property of ‘the Institute’. ‘The Client’ understands that any unauthorised copying may constitute a breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (as amended from time to time).
- This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between ‘the Institute’ and ‘the Client’ in relation to this contract and supersedes any and all prior agreements, discussions, understandings, representations, or promises. Each party warrants to the other that it has not relied upon any representation not recorded here, which has induced it to enter into this contract. No amendment of the conditions will be valid unless confirmed in writing by authorised signatories of both parties on or after the date of this contract.
Disclosure of Personal Information
Your Personal Information may be disclosed in a number of circumstances including the following:
- Third parties where you consent to the use or disclosure; and
- Where required or authorised by law.
Security of Personal Information
Your Personal Information is stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
When your Personal Information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your Personal Information. However, most of the Personal Information is or will be stored in client files, which will be kept by us for a minimum of 5 years.
Access to your Personal Information
You may access the Personal Information we hold about you and to update and/or correct it, subject to certain exceptions. If you wish to access your Personal Information, please contact us in writing.
‘the Institute’ will not charge any fee for your access request, but may charge an administrative fee for providing a copy of your Personal Information.
In order to protect your Personal Information, we may require identification from you before releasing the requested information.
Maintaining the Quality of your Personal Information
It is important to us that your Personal Information is up to date. We will take reasonable measures to make sure that your Personal Information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you find that the information we have is not up to date or is inaccurate, please advise us as soon as practicable so we can update our records and ensure we can continue to provide quality services to you.
Policy Updates
This Policy may change from time to time and is available on our website.
Privacy Policy Complaints and Enquiries
If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy please contact us at:
Safety of documents:
Here at ‘the Institute’ (ALA) your documents are in safe hands.
All of our translators adhere to the AUSIT Code of Ethics, which set the standards of ethics for translators and interpreters in Australia. As such, our translators follow AUSIT’s nine general principles of: professional conduct, confidentiality, competence, impartiality, accuracy, clarity of role boundaries, maintaining professional relationships, professional development, and professional solidarity.
Each document is handled in strict confidence by an experienced project manager.
Copyright Notice
This website and its content is copyright of ‘the Institute’ (2021). All rights reserved.
Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:
- you may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only,
- you may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material,
- you may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.
This document was last updated on 20 February 2022
Personal identification information
We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, register on the site, place an order, fill out a form, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, mailing address, phone number. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities.
Non-personal identification information
We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information.
Web browser cookies
Our Site may use “cookies” to enhance User experience. User’s web browser places cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly.
How we use collected information
‘the Institute’ may collect and use Users’ personal information for the following purposes:
- To run and operate our Site
We may need your information display content on the Site correctly. - To improve customer service
Information you provide helps us respond to your customer service requests and support needs more efficiently. - To personalize user experience
We may use information in the aggregate to understand how our Users as a group use the services and resources provided on our Site. - To send periodic emails
We may use the email address to send User information and updates pertaining to their order. It may also be used to respond to their inquiries, questions, and/or other requests. - How we protect your information
We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information, and data stored on our Site.
Removing your personal information
At any time, should you wish for us to remove any personal information provided to us, including documents uploaded via our website or sent to us by email, we will comply with any such request within 10 days. All personal information will be removed from our email servers and all storage repositories.
Sharing your personal information
We do not sell, trade, or rent Users personal identification information to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identification information regarding visitors and users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above.
Third party websites
Users may find advertising or other content on our Site that link to the sites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licencors and other third parties. We do not control the content or links that appear on these sites and are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Site. In addition, these sites or services, including their content and links, may be constantly changing. These sites and services may have their own privacy policies and customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites, which have a link to our Site, is subject to that website’s own terms and policies.
Changes to this privacy policy
‘the Institute’ has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will post a notification on the main page of our Site. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.
Last update: 20 February 2022
Your acceptance of these terms
By using this website, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our website. Your continued use of the website following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.
Questions, Feedback, and Complaints
If you have any questions/queries about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your transactions with this site, please contact us via email at
We will need to verify your identity when making a privacy complaint and may need to request further information from you. We will aim to resolve any privacy complaint within five business days from when we receive all the information, we require to consider your complaint.
N.B.: By sending your documents to the Institute for receiving any kind of translation and/or training/educational/testing services, you are providing your consent to the collection of your personal information and its use and disclosure by ‘the Institute’ for the purpose of translating, editing, checking, training, education, and testing.
توجه: با ارسال مدارک خود به مؤسسه برای دریافت هر نوع خدمات ترجمه و/یا آموزشی /آزمایشی، رضایت خود را برای جمع آوری اطلاعات شخصی خود و استفاده و افشای آن توسط «مؤسسه» به منظوردریافت خدمات ترجمه، ویرایش، بررسی، آموزش، و آزمایش ارائه می دهید.