Useful Information about how to teach IELTS

Some Useful Information about IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Test


Some Useful Information about IELTS Test

IELTS as one of the mainstream tests of language proficiency measurement

Students from different countries, whose first language is not English, apply to pursue their tertiary education in English-speaking universities around the world. They are expected to read and prepare academic texts, attend lectures and take notes, participate in tutorials, and listen to seminars conducted in English (Coley, 1999; Moghaddam, 2010; Wicks, 1996). Such students need to reach a level of proficiency in English that enables them to meet university study requirements satisfactorily. They are required to show evidence of an appropriate level of proficiency in English language as one of the prerequisites for entry into English-speaking universities. One of the tools for assessing the students’ language proficiency (the others include PTE, OET, TOEFL, etc.) is IELTS (international English Language Testing System) test (Moghaddam, 2010).


IELTS academic is designed to assess test-takers’ ability to understand and produce the written and spoken language expected of students in English-speaking universities and communities. For example, engaging in such literacy practices as reading texts with contentious content, debating controversial issues, and constructing their own texts in order to achieve their social purpose (Moghaddam, 2010).


So as part of preparation for IELTS test, applicants experience literacy practices in terms of written and verbal argumentative texts (in accordance with IELTS expectations) in order to identify and analyse relevant aspects of literacies experienced in the course. This is to promote the extent of the students’ expert knowledge to control over the complex and technical nature of argumentative discourse conventions (Moghaddam, 2010).


Different English tests (FCE, CPE, PTE, TOEFL, OET, and IELTS for example) have been designed to evaluate the applicants’ level of English proficiency. Among these tests, the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) has been selected as a preferred test by English-speaking universities in different countries, for example, in Australia (Moghaddam, 2010).


Below is an account of the background, nature and features of IELTS Test.

What is IELTS Test?

IELTS is the joint production of the British Council, the International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges (IDP) and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), and is administered by UCLES (IELTS Handbook, 2006). It is a specific test designed to measure the test-takers’ level of language proficiency in terms of listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills as appropriate for tertiary education and migration purposes (Cambridge IELTS, 2000; Cambridge IELTS, 2006; Moghaddam, 2010).


Although IELTS Test officially began in 1989 (Moore & Morton, 2005), it is rooted in a local testing system called the ELTS which the British Council started in 1965 (Coffin, 2004; Criper & Davies, 1988; Hamp-Lyons, 1991b; Weir, 1990). The ELTS, which “replaced the English Proficiency Test Battery (EPTB)[1]” (, viewed 25/05/2009), was based on the communicative paradigm which aims at maximizing “learners’ opportunities for using the language in communicative activities” (Mickan, 2004, p. 179), and during the period 1986-1989 was revised so that it became a new tool of language measurement, named IELTS Test (Weir, 1990, p. 31). Its development has been documented by Weir (1990) who states, “The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) supersedes the earlier English Language Testing Service (ELTS) test” (p. 181). However, its development has been continuous as a result of ongoing research on IELTS issues so as to improve and promote the test (Moghaddam, 2010).



The main aim of the ELTS has been to measure the level of language proficiency of students wishing to pursue their education at tertiary level in an English-speaking context (Hogan, 1992; Weir, 1990). And, according to Weir (1990) “a growing demand from other student groups and receiving institutions, especially in Australia, as well as new developments in testing theory, has resulted in this up-to-date, completely revised and flexible testing system” (p. 181).


IELTS Test has been selected and deemed “to assess students’ level of ability in precisely those skills that would be most required in tertiary study” (Hogan, 1992, p. 13). It was assumed that the IELTS would measure reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills “in an encapsulated form, and the results, the subtest band scores, indicate both to the student and to a tertiary institution the students’ areas of linguistic strength and weakness” (p. 13). These may justify the growing trend of academic institutions towards preferring IELTS. This method of language assessment is based on a banding system and a test format (Moghaddam, 2010).


IELTS Test format

IELTS Test exists in two versions - ‘General’ and ‘Academic’. The test measures test-takers’ level of language proficiency using six modules. Listening and speaking modules are the same for general and academic candidates. However, reading and writing modules are different in academic and general versions of the test (Garbutt & O’Sullivan, 1991). Based on the IELTS administrators the examination begins with a listening subtest followed by reading and then writing subtests. These three modules are to be taken respectively on one day without any interval. Speaking subtest however, can be taken before or after these three in a seven day period. Relevant decisions in this regard are made by the test centres (cf. different IELTS handbooks and websites, for example, for more information about the rules, statistics and test centres around the world). Regardless of their language abilities, for example, non-user and expert user candidates can sit the test (IELTS Handbook, 2006). An overall format focusing on the academic version, which is the focus of this study, is outlined as follows (Figure 1). For more details see the different IELTS Handbooks.


Figure 1. Overall format of testing the four skills in the IELTS academic examination


Time: approximately 30 minutes + 10 minutes for transformation of answers from the test booklet to the answer sheet.

Candidates listen to a number of recorded texts. These include a mixture of monologues and conversations and feature a variety of English accents and dialects.


Academic Reading

Time: 60 minutes

There are three reading passages with tasks. Texts are taken from books, magazines, journals and newspapers, all written for a non-specialist audience. At least one of the texts contains a detailed argument.


Academic Writing

Time: 60 minutes

Candidates write a description of at least 150 words. This is based on material found in a chart, table, graph or diagram and demonstrates their ability to present information and to summarise the main features of the input.

For the second task, candidates write a short essay of at least 250 words in response to a statement or question. They are expected to demonstrate an ability to present a position, construct an argument and discuss abstract issues.



Time: 11-14 minutes

The test is a face-to-face interview. Candidates are assessed on their use of spoken English to answer short questions, to speak at length on a familiar topic, and also to interact with the examiner.

IELTS Handbook, 2006, p. 3


IELTS band scores descriptors

IELTS Test has adopted “holistic” evaluation as an “impression based banding system” (Carroll, 1980b; Chaplen, 1970; Weir, 1990). In order to know how IELTS band score is calculated see Table 1 below which indicates the interpretation of the IELTS band scores as adopted from the IELTS Handbook (2006).


Table 1. IELTS Band Scores Description

Band score




Expert user

Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.


Very good user

Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriateness. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well.


Good user

Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.


Competent user

Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriateness and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.


Modest user

Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.


Limited user

Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems  in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language.


Extremely limited user

Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.


Intermittent user

No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.


Non user

Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.


Did not attempt the test

No assessable information provided.

IELTS Handbook, 2006, p. 5


Interpretation of results

There is no pass or fail mark in the IELTS. Acceptance of a candidate depends on obtaining the appropriate band score as demanded by the target education institution for undertaking a specific program or course of study. The following guide (Table 2) indicates different acceptability levels for some different courses. For more details see IELTS Handbooks.


Table 2. Different acceptability levels



Linguistically demanding academic courses

e.g. Medicine, Law, Linguistics, Journalism, Library Studies

Linguistically less demanding academic courses

e.g. Agriculture, Pure Mathematics, Technology, Computer-based work, Telecommunications

Linguistically demanding training courses

e.g. Air Traffic Control, Engineering,

Pure Applied Sciences, Industrial Safety

Linguistically less demanding training courses

 e.g. Animal Husbandry, Catering, Fire Services







Probably Acceptable





English study needed

Probably Acceptable




English study needed

English study needed

Probably Acceptable



English study needed

English study needed

English study needed

Probably acceptable

IELTS Handbook, 2006, p. 5

آیلتس در سرتاسر استرالیا: آیلتس در ملبورن، آیلتس در سیدنی، آیلتس در پرث، آیلتس در گلدکوست، آیلتس در کوئینزلند، آیلتس در برووم، آیلتس در تاسمانی، آیلتس در داروین، آیلتس در ادلید، آیلتس در کانبرا، آیلتس در نیو سوث ویلز.


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[1]  EPTB, a traditional largely multiple choice test battery that had been used by the British Council in its overseas student recruitment operation since the mid 1960s for the purpose of screening international applicants to universities  and colleges in the UK. (Source: http//www.ielts. org/research/history_of_ielts.aspx). 


27/07/2021 By Admin
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